Turkey Hill Song

scrub turkey head

Image by Matthew Kenrick (www.flickr.com)

I live on a hill where the turkeys gather for their dawn meetings
They seem to be agreeable occasions
The only thing I hear them say is:
Mm mmm!

The worms are good today
Mm mmm!
The crows are loud today
Mm mmm!
And life is good on Turkey Hill

One of their favourite games is chasey
The couple – intent on their race
Duck under fences
Thunder across tin rooves
And fly clumsily into the lower branches of trees
I never get to see the outcome
Maybe they just call a truce and say:

You’re in good form today
Mm mmm!
Though I nearly got you yesterday
Mm mmm!
And life is good on Turkey Hill

And their other game? Well
Those turkeys, they don’t play “chicken” on the road
They play “turkey” – a much riskier past-time
Head down, they sprint in front of speeding cars
Unfortunately, it does take a toll on the young ones.
And the wise ones say:

Another one squashed today
Mm mmm!
The cars are fast today
Mm mmm!
And life is short on Turkey Hill

And the Dads, they like to keep the neighbourhood tidy
Raking up stray sticks and leaves into their self-warming compost castles
They carefully keep the temperature just so
Until their babies hatch out
And run off to find their own patch
Where they can say:

The worms are good today
Mm mmm!
The crows are loud today
Mm mmm!
And life is good on Turkey Hill.

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